Messages from Archangel Gabriel to Humanity
Gabriels Message
Channeled by Nancy Yearout 1.19.2024
Angel Message
Dear Nancy,
Hello from Spirit! The love is flowing more and more in your world! I see compassion returning as the alternative is unacceptable to your people. Truths are coming to light and people are changing their views. The veil is thinning between the worlds as love comes back into your lives. When you arrived you brought the love with you and kept it locked in your heart and soul. It is time to open the heart and soul and let the love flow. as more hearts open the world will shift for you. This is all for now.
Love you
Gabriels Message
Channeled by Nancy Yearout 1.04.2024
Angel Message
Hello Nancy,
It is the top of your New Year as you say so happy, happy to you on this January day. The angels are working to create peace on your earth. They work in groups and as individuals. They request that you tell humanity to ask for their assistance if needed and know they will be guided and blessed by their wings of light.
The light is healing and brings joy and laughter into humanities view. There are many lights shining bright as more of you see the truth and connect with the God energy, the love grows.
Love heals all and will bring about peace to your people. We are here to help bring about love, compassion and kindness as you grow. all of humanity is growing at a rapid pace and will bring about more peace to your planet.
Blessings to all
Gabriels Message
Channeled by Nancy Yearout 12.22.2023
Angel Message
Dearest Nancy,
Humanity is at a crossroads. The next few years will change things for the collective. you will grow as a people and achieve a higher state of vibration after the wars cease. You will discover that the fighting was not what you had been told it was about. Humanity is waking up to the lies of a few who have affected the many. Good will comes out of all the chaos you see. It's not at all hopeless for you to see the light is peeking through and will become brighter and brighter. People don't want war and conflict, destruction and crime the vibration is already beginning to shift. Blessings to all.
Gabriels Message
Channeled by Nancy Yearout 12.6.2023
Angel Message
Dearest Nancy,
Tell the people that now is the time to open their eyes and ears and see and hear what's occurring on your planet. The dark is doing everything it can to disrupt and cause destruction. This is global. Please stay in love and not fear. The fear energy is what drives and feeds the dark. Bring up your vibration to a higher level of compassion, kindness, forgiveness and non-judgement. These are the qualities and energies that elevate and change the vibration to good. More and more people will be hurt by the darkness that is attempting to control the population unless you band together and rise up! Stand up for the beliefs you know are true. This is a turning point for all of humanity be able to say no to destruction, hate and fear, the abuse and tragedy brought about by a few with a single agenda. Stand together. Love your brother and your sister for who they are, a part of God, a part of the divine creator. The spark is in each of you. Ignite the spark.
Gabriels Message
Channeled by Nancy Yearout 11.30.2023
Angel Message
Dearest Nancy,
The cold has come to your place and the trees are losing their leaves. It is a time of death and rebirth for all of humanity. Now is a time of endings as the people of your planet see the untruths that have been applied to their lives. So many untruths you would have to blind not to see, but even the blind see the truth through their senses.
There will be endings before the rebirth of a new way of being. Do not fear the new. The old must be discarded before the new can come in. The situation on your planet requires much assistance from the angelic realms at this time but know we are with all who need us and ask for our help. We love all of you as our creator source does as we are all connected. We are all family
.Love one another and go in peace.
Gabriels Message
Channeled by Nancy Yearout 11.25.2023
Angel Message
Dearest Nancy,
I am here to give humanity hope for their future. The good, the light of the Holy one shines bright and more people are seeing the light and the truth. Many have been led astray and have conflict within themselves that must be tamed. We all things that happen in life but that is how we learn. I say we as we are all one from source. We are not separate. Humans have created such a separation. Connection is not how you feel loved and comforted. People are more comfortable when another person is kind and loving to them, comforting.
Each person has something special to adds, this is how community is built with love, care and stability. Love is the foundation. My message today is short but impactful as you all must understand how to connect to one another for love, warmth and fulfillment. The joy of a group, the power of many together create a powerful energetic frequency of love and connection for all of humanity.
Gabriels Message
Channeled by Nancy Yearout 11.19.2023
Angel Message
Dearest Nancy,
It is such a joy to see you and others bringing joy to the world with light and holiday spirit as you call it. Hearts are lighter at this time of year. People begin to think of what they can give their loved ones as gifts. The mere thought of you deciding to give changes the mood. This time of year miracles occur because people slow down and enjoy time with their family and friends. Lots of cheer to spread over the next days. Merriment changes the mood and affects all of us.
Remember the elderly as they love a visit and a smile. There are many who are less fortunate as yourselves so remember to give to the kids and food for the families. Love is the most powerful force on the planet you live on and the more love you spread to each other the more pleasant your own life becomes. That is all for now.
Gabriels Message
Channeled by Nancy Yearout 11.12.2023
Angel Message
Dearest Nancy,
As the world gets more involved in conflict it is up to each individual to voice his or her own opinion about the events occurring now. Please realize that the more voices that cry out the quicker the fear, anger and violence will stop. Your voices are powerful and if you band together can stop anything that is not beneficial for humanity. There are those who will hide the truth but as these truths are revealed more voices will be heard. Do not think your voices are unimportant as all who speak up will reap the reward of truth and freedom. This is a great time to know your worth. Your value is high as every soul is a piece of the Divine Source energy. Together your energy is strong and powerful and that is what those in charge fear. Unite and conquer the lies and live freely on a new earth. plain full of love; peace and harmony.
Gabriel Your Angel
Gabriels Message
Channeled by Nancy Yearout 11.6.2023
Angel Message
Dearest Nancy,
The information I am giving you today is very important. Many of you are waiting for someone to save you but you must rise up and save yourselves. The people who are in charge are not revving the truth concerning conflicts in your world. They neglect to tell you important details that you would not agree with. It is important for you to use your voice and not go alining like sheep. This is the time to voice your thoughts and opinions as you are molding a world for your children and grandchildren. What do you what do you want to leave for future generations? This is not the time to back and wait for somoone else to make a difference, change. Please hear these words the many peoples lives will be saved if you speak up and say not to the falsehoods placed on you now. Connect with God and know we the angels are here to help all.
Gabriel Your Angel
Gabriels Message
Channeled by Nancy Yearout 10.20.2023
Angel Message
Dearest Nancy,
There is so much going on to talk about today. The people are waking up to what is the truth. You are seeing the truth in plane sight. Pay attention to what is happening all around you. As more people see the truth the violence will cease. You may not see it soon but it will come to pass.
Many young people are confused and believe information that does not contain fact. It is up to you and light workers to tell the truth of what is occurring so that others believe. The light never hides the truth.
Many souls have left after war and natural disasters on your planet. Many mourn their loved ones. Tell them that we the angels are with their family and friends in the Heavenly Realms. Blessing to all.
Gabriel Your Angel
Gabriels Message
Channeled by Nancy Yearout 10.9.2023
Angel Message
Dear Nancy,
The atrocities that have been committed in Israel will change the world. People see the evil, the destruction and the lives lost for naught. Many feel they want revenge which is warranted but evil does not fear the Israelis. Evil sees no end to the war until they have killed all.
Hamas will be defeated. God will not let them go unpunished for their atrocities against humanity. We are at war across your world. A war between good and evil. The evil will not prevail. They know the light is stronger but their minds have been poisoned. They have been as you might say, hypnotized by the evil and continue the killing until they themselves are killed.It is the only way. The angels are with those who are captive giving them comfort and strength.
That is all for now.
Gabriel Your Angel
Gabriels Message
Channeled by Nancy Yearout 09.16.2023
Angel Message
Dear Nancy,
Great to be with you. I have been watching over many on the earth who are struggling with the violence that is occurring on your plane as of late. The storms in particularly have caused much agony and stress among the people of these lands. Their loved ones have perished and grief is hitting them hard in the heart and soul. Loss is a difficult emotion to feel and yet you are many who feel this emotion to understand life. I have comforting words to say to those who have lost a loved one, and that is to say that they are not gone, only moved to a new place to continue their growth. The love you shared shall be forever. Never to leave you. You are eternal beings here to learn lessons about life which are not always pleasant. Times are shaky, meaning that much must break down before the new can arrive. As the change occurs you will feel a shift in consciousness. There are many here right now who are experiencing the changes on your planet. Remember the shift will be a positive shift for all who stand strong in the light of love .
That is all for now.
Gabriel Your Angel
Gabriels Message
Channeled by Nancy Yearout 08.24.2023
Angel Message
Dear Nancy,
The message today may seem harsh but people are not standing up for their rights. It is important for all of humanity to stand together as one. There are a few who are attempting to control the masses. If you don't stand up for yourselves now all could go South as you might say. The lies are getting more evident so the more of you who decide to stand for truth and justice and compassion for your fellow man will thrive. There is a great divide among you and the gap must narrow. We as you to begin hearing each other and listening to the words and thoughts behind them. This is the time to come together to create common ground and move forward for the common good of all mankind not just a few. That's all
Gabriels Message
Channeled by Nancy Yearout 8.13.2023
Angel Message
My Dearest Nancy,
Time seems to be drawing near as you see more fire and disaster on your planet. There is coming a time of closure, when people will see the truth and have a choice to make. Humanity is at a crossroads. This is where some of you will move to the light and the others to the dark. A complete divide or separation of souls.
This is the time to change your heart to love and understanding, love for yourself and for all of humanity. The love vibration is strong and will change the vibration, the consciousness and the attitudes of people moving forward. The love vibration will and does bring about peace. The light is associated with this vibration as everything is energetically connected to source energy. The direct connection to love is from your heart t o God- Source Energy-The Radiant One.
Love Gab
Gabriels Message
Channeled by Nancy Yearout 7.23.2023
Angel Message
The message today is forgiveness. Forgive others as you do not understand their motives. Many of you are angry at friends or family members for words they have used or actions taken. None of these harsh feelings serve you. When you forgive others you become free to move on. You become lighter and kinder. We say lighten up!
The biggest advice I can suggest is to forgive others and yourself.
Many times we see human suffering caused by a mistake made or words said in anger, It is most important to forgive yourself, as mistakes are a part of learning. Your soul will be free when you forgive. Forgiveness is the key to freedom. Open the door with your key and forgive others.
Love Gabriel
Gabriels Message
Channeled by Nancy Yearout 7.12.2023
Angel Message
Dear Nancy,
My message for humanity is to stop the mental conflict that fear is bringing about. What you think matters. People are concerned about the future. They know that lies have been told and continue to surface. As humanity wakes up you will all begin to see the truth and a great rebellion will occur. Many who have been harmed physically by these lies will be at the forefront of the rebellion. Many of you remain blind only because you choose too.
Remaining blind to the present reality is harmful to all. Most of humanity has to stand up for itself to invoke change. This is all.
Love Archangel Gabriel
Gabriels Message
Channeled by Nancy Yearout 7.3.2023
Angel Message
My message for humanity is to open your eyes and see what's going on around you. Do not turn a blind eye and pretend all is well. It is up to the bold and the brave to stand up for your rights. The world is at a tipping point, the more of you who believe in the Divine Source and have faith that all will be well then it will. The energy of your thoughts create a new reality. So think happy thoughts! The more you can think in a positive manner will change the energy to positive vibrations thus creating a kinder, happier existence for all. This can be what makes the difference in your ascension coming to the planet. The thoughts and words have vibrations and you attract what you think about all day long. So change your thoughts to love and peace and in turn love and peace will be yours.
Love Archangel Gabriel
Gabriels Message
Channeled by Nancy Yearout 6.26.2023
Angel Message
Thank you for brining these messages forth to humanity.
The cause is large and many of you have chosen to brighten the light here on earth. Thank you to all who serve humanity and bring love and joy to your planet. The lights will get brighter and the love stronger as more of you ascend to a higher consciousness phase. This is not the time to fear but to believe the Divine Source who energizes us all with the light of love and truth.
The time is drawing near for much to collapse and be reborn. As certain structures crumble new will emerge. Its up to you to create heaven on earth, your have the imaginations to create a beautiful utopia here where you stand. Begin creating what you deem. What you believe you create.
That is all for now.
Love Archangel Gabriel
Gabriels Message
Channeled by Nancy Yearout 6.18.2023
Angel Message
The message today is to love your neighbors, friends, and family for who they are.
In life you cannot change others, but you can change your reaction to any person's behavior by changing how you react with people, your reaction will change them too.
Love is the strongest vibration in the universe and when you approach every interaction with people with a loving heart the energy response is love. When you send out the love vibration from your heart to another you have broken all barriers. All anyone of you is looking for is love. Your love may come from a pet or from another human but when it comes, the feeling warms your soul. Love lasts forever. It is what makes the universe whole.
Love Archangel Gabriel
Gabriels Message
Channeled by Nancy Yearout 6.11.2023
Angel Message
My message is to be kind. Be kind to each other and be kind to yourselves. There is much fear and harsh rederick spoken. When you speak kindly to others and about yourself that kind energy resonates out into your home, neighborhood, office, planet and to the Universe. Energy is alive and moves quickly and frequently and good energy brings in more goodness and love.
When you send love out to others, animals, plants, flowers, to the universe you are creating a brighter joyful place which raises the frequency for all.
You must acknowledge that the vibration spoken, sung, or musical impacts us all. We sing to maintain the vibration in the Heavenly Realms as well as harps and liars for the pitch necessary to maintain a high and balanced field of vibration with sound.
Much Love to humanity
Please love each other as you would yourself.
Love Gabriel
I type the words as I hear them from him.
Love Nancy Yearout
Angel Messenger